Joe Roberts of 1WineDude is one of the wine bloggers I follow via RSS. Last week he was interviewed by another local wine enthusiast, Laurie Forster. Forster publishes a site called the Wine Coach and hosts a Baltimore radio program on 1090 AM.
In the interview they discuss their 2014 resolutions for the wine industry. I like Roberts because he takes a very consumer-centric approach, and Forster seems much the same. Here’s what they would like to see happen in the world of wine this year (more resolutions are discussed in the interview available via podcast):
1. Wineries need to get online
2. Start listing ingredients on labels
3. Stop using numbers to rate wines
4. Pick sides on wine apps
5. Realize there’s room for everyone in the fine wine market (natural, biodynamic, etc.)
2. Stop “educating” start “inspiring”
3. Its not all “serious” wine drinkers
4. Embrace direct shipping
5. Stop ignoring the wine consumer
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